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Shout out to Mike Funk and Andrej Farkas


Its so amazing when programmers, that you have never met in person before, reach out to you and help you out, when you need it!

I just want to say thank you to these guys:

Mike Funk
Andrej Farkas

They are both active CI community members.
Although, Andrej has said he now uses a more ‘Romanian’ framework, and he has ditched CI behind.

I guess it must be very frustrating coding in a foreign language. I mean, there is this joke about a Russian programmer who learned English in a couple of months, and when asked “How did you do that?”, his response was “Its easy, its just like C++!”.

Andrej  has interesting articles about Laziness being good for OOP design, and about writing unit tests first.



Anyways, thanks again guys!