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Crypto Scam Alert: EnjoyJuicy

The crypto space is vicious.
Most of the coins will go to 0.
The fact that Bitcoin is still going is only due to its unprecedented popularity.
In fact that’s what drives all currency: Trust and Community.
I mean having an army doesn’t hurt.
But with no physical backing, and the only requirement being is just a few nodes mining, it’s easy to create something amazing, or to fail miserably.
In the case of Proof of Stake coins even less physical presence is required in the real world.

Andre Cronje the creator of Fantom had a few interesting posts on X that may have been meant to inspire.

Fantom was a rising star, but the blockchain system got totally ruined, not as bad as Luna honestly, when MultiChain CEO disappeared with the Private Keys to millions of dollars worth of BTC and ETH that he was holding, part of a bridging system to get funds from Ethereum over to Fantom.

Andre recently posted this:

Can you imagine investing millions of your dollars into a blockchain that runs on a raspberry pi!
No form factor even. Holding that thing right in his hand. What if you sneeze on it?
Bro, I thought self hosting my wordpress sites at my own home made datacenter was suspect!
I guess it’s fine for a test net.

Anyway, before we get too far off topic. I made a quick video showing how cringe EnjoyJuicy really is.
Because if legitimate technological advancement in decentralized ledger technology can be scams, imagine how the porn industry might be looking:


If you need someone to help you navigate this new technology, you can buy an hour of my time right on this website, and we can work together on whatever you may need.
Stay Frosty!