For a moment there it seemed like my Pi was functioning correctly. But now it constantly restarts.
My love affair with the R-Pi started when I bought it.
Then, when I got it, I had to actually secure the SD cards for it.
I wanted to make sure it was working so I had to install raspbian wheezy on one SD card.
Finally I got it to boot using my cell phone charger as the PSU. I executed the startx command and the GUI loaded correctly.
It seemed fine, I ran it for like 10 minutes, checked out the internet via wifi dongle and showed it off to my co-workers.
I wanted to load Raspbmc on it and turn it into a home theater system. That’s when I found out that there is a 10 dollar upsell with the R-Pi to unlock a GPU for true HD video!
I was bummed at first to hear that, but honesty If I can get this XBMC working, and control it from my Nexus via free Android application, that is worth it!
Plus, I would be able t take my entire DVD collection to my friends house by simply transporting the R-Pi and a couple of SD cards. How cool is that!
Again I put it away for a while until I had time to work on it. I always stored it safely in a static guard.
I also needed a case for it if I was going to place it behind the TV or something.
So I got a blue acrylic case from Adafruit. 15 bucks with shipping. The case arrives, I put the Pi in it, it looks cool.
But then I load up Raspbmc installer on another SD card, and I boot it up only to have it restart mid install.
I tried booting with and without HDMI / USB / Ethernet, no matter the combination, always the Pi restarts.
So I tried it with the original Wheezy SD card and again, it loads up only to restart less than a minute or two into being powered up.
Spent a lot of time on troubleshooting research as well. It was either going to fix itself or I had to replace it.
I let it rest overnight, and today I am getting the same thing with both installs.
Needless to say, I am super disappointed.
Because now I need to buy a multimeter,
just so I can see if I really need to send it back.
Thankfully the manufacturer is going to replace the Pi without me having to become an electrical engineer.