About Me

Hi! I’m Robert Baindourov. Freelance web master. I am a complex, yet fun loving, IT professional, who can help you launch your next product or idea.

Over 15 years of experience with programming computers. I first learned how to create HTML pages from scratch in 1998 in the California ROP program. I was just a 16 year old high school student at the time. During those times I played around a lot with computer repair and construction. I built many computers for myself, and relatives, and was the go to guy for repair. I saw the coming and going of the Y2K event, and that was about the time I started programming in BASIC, in 2000.

I had many options while I was studying, and I think I tried many things before I decided to stick to the Windows platform and development due to its market share. I wanted to program something, so I used Visual Basic to create a keylogger/telnet server/root kit type of program. I quickly began to play with Java and Visual C++ as well. Seeking more challenge and efficiency, I tried to port the keylogger to Visual C++. This is when I first received exposure to the MVC model and MFC. MFC is short for Microsoft Foundation Classes, a framework that wraps the WIN32 API in a more convenient paradigm of Object Oriented Programming.

As I began to study for my baccalaureate degree, I completed Trig, Calculus, Physics, Discrete Math, Algorithm Design in C++, CCNA courses, A+, Web Programming in Java, Algorithm Theory in Java, SQL, Language Design, BASIC, Visual Basic, C, C++, Java and Advanced Java, and many other courses.

While in school I was a tutor and worked a SI workshop. Supplement Instruction was a mass tutoring session of sorts, many students could come to a designated computer equipped classroom, where I would help them and teach them. I also had part time employment doing database design for a small business. And some data entry as well as network setup, backups, check design and check printing for a CPA.

I was completely drawn and immersed into the world of web development in about 2002 – 2003, again while still in school. And that offered a whole new Universe of Challenges. Things had changed since 1998, at least for me, and by the time I was coding systems, I had to tackle CSS, browser inconsistencies, and a new world of emerging technologies.

My first project’s I executed for a client, a mock shopping cart in VB.NET.

Next thing I new I partnered up with a couple of graphic designers and we made 3 sites together. Our own site, which was a computer store and web design company, www.v2netsolutions.com. I’ve since repurchased the domain, and I am working on the site. I’ve also repurchased www.allstateloads.com, which is a trucking company site we had developed together. Another domain I want to snag but has been taking by a squatter is boogyoogy.com. Another site I did with the v2net guys. Both v2net and allstate where done with classic ASP. But boogyoogy is a project I managed outsourcing on. I merged the hivemail email system with a MLM system in PHP.

Needless to say neither one of these ventures worked out in my interest. And I quickly found myself using those 3 sites, while still up online, to propel myself into a new gig. While still learning to master classic ASP, I got the job to finish and fix westonletters.com which was a PHP project. So I learned on the fly, even more PHP coding.  He was a repeat client and I made trace4less.com for him too, also a LAMP stack project. At the same time I got a referral from him and did work on bravo-systems.com.

I’ve done many many sites since then, most in PHP. 2006 is around when I started learning Photoshop, Flash, CSS2, and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, commonly known as AJAX. Just cause I knew LAMP didn’t mean I could run my own web design company! I knew about MFC, and MVC on desktop development, but had yet to encounter it in my web development studies. At least not in PHP. I heard about Spring and Hibernate earlier in 2005, but I didn’t know that counterparts existed in PHP. I assumed that the nature of the PHP language was for one man projects with code mixed inline with design. That was my style at least, that and a home cooked library of classes. Thankfully Smarty and Zend quickly came into perspective as soon as they were birthed.

I spent the next few years perfecting my craft. Its 2013 now, and I have my own web hosting company, and web design company. I hope to grow it into a larger business.

If you wish to hire me on a freelance basis. Fill out the form below to get started.