Regardless if the external universe around is strictly materialistic, or not, what we perceive to be real is a complete illusion.
This is a fact, because neuroscience has uncovered the reality of how our brain functions. Even what the eyes perceive are a snapshot of the past, because light needs to travel to the cones, and the brain needs to interpret the electrochemical input.
And this process of interpretation is the subject of many movies such as the Matrix.
“The Father and I are one” Yeheshua proclaimed. But what is I, and what is The Father? More constructs of the mind? For everything exists within this mindspace, just like everything in existence must exist inside the confines of existence itself.
Or as Morgan Freeman has said it on the Colbert Report, “If nothing exists outside the universe, then what is the universe expanding into?”
In truth, we are all inside a simulation, hologram or not, the universe can be easily seen as a giant process of information exchange, a computation. And “we” are a simulation as well, just our senses are interpreted into a illusionary concept to allow us to function within the world, so is the concept of Self, nothing more than an illusion.
And we create our simulations. And as we evolve, soon we will give birth to entire universes within ourselves!
This Iboga induced vision, is a beautiful explanation of the concept of infinity.
And this talk on elightenment and the self will also help unravel the mystery.
- Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
- tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
- bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
- dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
If the ego is mere illusion, then what is true self awareness? In the movie Pi, Max Cohen finds the 216 digit number, the name of God, that allowed Euclid, his computer, to gain consciousnesses. What will happen to the hardware of our system, once we begin to process the ultimate computation? Once we are no longer wasting cycles running the ego?