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90% of CS graduates can’t figure this out

Someone important on X posted:

i have a very simple question i ask during phone screens: print each level of a tree on a separate line. 90% of CS grad candidates just can’t do it. someone needs to investigate these universities.

half the replies are saying i’m trolling because no one asks questions this simple. the other half are saying it’s a retarded leetcode question, they never have to use trees irl, why is it even relevant because ChatGPT can do it etc.

Solution with Boost Library

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

void levelOrder(const boost::property_tree::ptree& tree) {
    std::queue<boost::property_tree::ptree> q;

    while (!q.empty()) {
        int levelSize = q.size();
        while (levelSize > 0) {
            boost::property_tree::ptree current = q.front();

            // Print the value at the current level
            auto val = current.get_value<std::string>("");
            if (val != "")
                std::cout << current.get_value<std::string>("")<<" ";

            // Add children nodes to the queue
            for (const auto& node : current) {
        std::cout << std::endl;  // Newline after printing one level

int main() {
    // Create a Boost property tree
    boost::property_tree::ptree tree;

    // Insert elements to mimic a binary tree
    tree.put("root.value", "10");

    // Left child
    tree.put("root.left.value", "5");
    tree.put("root.left.left.value", "3");
    tree.put("root.left.right.value", "7");

    // Right child
    tree.put("root.right.value", "15");
    tree.put("root.right.right.value", "20");


    return 0;

So I wanted to try out using Boost with CLion. What a nightmare. First the issue of using a flatpak install ruins everything when it comes to integrating with the system.

Second using a property tree was a bad idea. I should have went with a graph. Since the original post on X was talking about to solution with a graphic of a binary tree, I tried the property_tree in boost and I didn’t like the output of the tree still, nor the key value pair structure of it.

I will follow up later with a Breath First Search on a Undirected Graph from Boost library next time.