I don’t want to wait for some MAVEN command to execute.
I just want to refresh the browser!
So this is where Charles Proxy comes to the rescue!
The “Map to Local” feature allows you to quickly map your resources to a live implementation on a production, or development environment.
Really great feature, that saves a lot of time. Even the uploading to a generic hosting step can be skipped when doing changes to static resources. So this tool is good for Enterprises and SMBs.
Usually I would completely avoid extraneous non open source solutions. The KISS principle is something I apply not just to my coding, but to my workflow as well. Unfortunately, I don’t always get to decide what platform and workflow structure I have to interact with. And this where tools like Fiddler and Charles become indispensable in preserving my sanity.
While on the Mac environment, I am currently using Charles Proxy, Fiddler2 also provides this feature, hidden in the AutoResponder tab. Simply activate “Map URLs to local files”. And Fiddler should be able to run on Linux / Mac, although I haven’t tried it yet.
Check it out http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler/help/video/default.asp