Google backed up my phone’s photos and videos and went ahead and created a public album.
I guess you call this Auto Aware, well this feature is a huge violation of my privacy, and I don’t want to have this feature enabled any more.
I want my photos and videos not to be backed up. Only my contacts.
What is happening with my text messages? Is google reading them?
I bought Nike shoes and got a receipt email from Nordstrom’s and next thing I know Google+ is showing me some Nike content.
You are like the stalker boyfriend of my nightmares. Can I opt out of this feature too?
Also I noticed that I have very private reviews of businesses visible on Google plus.
This is another privacy concern for me.
I don’t want everyone knowing what I have been doing all the time unless I willingly POST that information.
Please stop syphoning out content from my phone, and my other activities on other Google properties, and making them public.
Next thing you know you will be sharing my private searches with my friends, or telling them to call me cause I searched “lonely” or something like that.
I don’t need it. I don’t want it. Let me run my life, and stay out of my business.
How many god awful features are there, and how do I opt out of them?