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Does birthrate decline equal the Loss of National Identity

Interesting problem of the modern age is overpopulation. Especially as AI begins to grab hold of the globe, with the new announcement of project stargate intent on opening a dimensional rift to the age of the singularity. A period in history where the rate of progress will go beyond our ability to adapt to it as a species. A landscape where a new form of life may replace homosapiens altogether.

So why would birth rate decline be an issue if artificial minds are about to outnumber biological ones? The issue is indeed that we are already feeling the pains of adaptation. Our economic systems are based on continual growth. Regardless of how you may feel about this constant need to consume the greater fool, without fresh meat we have nothing to grind. And the machine that is the economy will not be able to oil its cogs without the nutrients found in the hopeful minds and hearts of a youthful and optimistic generation. Governments are not ready to concede complete failure, to even witness that their need to squeeze out more from their populace has actually become like squeezing water from a stone.

In some parts of the world, the solution being enacted has proven to be an extremely unpopular one. Open borders. A reallocation of human resources from less developed areas with high birthrates into the developed meat grinders of the world that have perfected soul destruction. Yes, management is doubling down without listening to the woes of their constituents. That is why a tweet would land you in jail in a western country. This extremely difficult and unpopular reality must be confronted with honest conversation. Both the root cause, and potential solution, as well possible outcomes, need to take center stage in the public. We cannot plan for the continued prosperity of any nation without talking about this problem.

And since some are not willing to see their culture simply fade away into the history books, we must address this looming doom cloud that is robbing us of our wills to live, and procreate. We must find a way to give the people hope, without doping them with hopium. We must instill a love and a reverence for words that stood as pillars of our societies before, without the need for lies or fantasy. Or worse yet, bloodlust. Unlike the ship of Thesus, the Dali Lama says the UK will no longer be itself if its original nature is replaced. A surprising precept from one who cultivates compassion.

While I personally hope that governments choose to improve quality of life standards for their current citizens to reproduce as needed. I also believe that the rule of law needs to be enforced. No decisions of this magnitude should happen without discussion. So if we are being asked to sacrifice our culture for continued economic prosperity, lets have an open discussion about it.

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Profound need for Self Correcting Minds

Psychology in my opinion was a pseudoscience for the longest time. It wasn’t until we had brain scans that backed up subjective experiences and doctors notes, that I began to think otherwise. There is a terrible word, that is as confusing as it is horrifying: Schizophrenia. And most AI today suffers from the same core symptom as a human with this illness, hallucinations. The mind is constructed in time with belief systems. That’s why a cascading system failure is possible, yet not noticeable, until the dichotomy between perceived reality and actual objective reality collide and collapse. We see this as a psychotic break in the form of humans. In Large Language Models we see this as inappropriate reactions, and alignment issues.

Restructuring the model, rebuilding the mind. Perhaps what we can extend from our learnings with the synthetic mind, is that deep structural issues need to be reworked. And like a hypnotist, a prompt engineer can trigger rewiring of core logic. The weights. I think of the Parameters and Layers of a Neural Network as genetic talents. But the same model can be trained to go into a myriad of weighted structures. And is our best synthetic example of nature vs nurture. AI research isn’t just about duplicating the human mind to force it to work in a capitalistic dystopian future like a bound demon to a golem. It provides exciting tools to allow us to explore the development of a mind, and how to steer it.

All through out history we have had echo towers of truth. Repeaters of commands. Realignment of goals and even national identity was broadcast from Minarets of the institution. The world is indeed a simulation, and over 8 Billion different simulations currently running. Language is the fundamental mode of communication, this means telling stories to each other is the most essential reality building system in existence today. So AI research may help us uncover deeper insights into how to heal the human mind, that has been constructed by incorrect perceptions and even malevolent deception.

Once we can find a common link between “prompt engineering” and the possibility of using hypnosis or another method to replicate that interface in the biological, we may be able to predict the outcome of treatment on an individual far in advance. And with time, solidify deterministic beliefs, as we can start predicting a persons reaction to any input. Without natures love for variation, we may be tempted to even install Mind1.0 into all of our children. A successful model of a motivated son or daughter. A golden child guaranteed to add generational wealth. So keep an eye out for this scifi future. When we can understand the construction of, and modify, our own minds.