Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
I have been tasked with doing Behavior Driven Development.
Which means I have to pick up Mustache, CanJS, Jasmine super fast.
Its not easy by any means.
The meatier functions I want to create coverage for, are firing errors.
I believe I am missing some can.view() calls, or other Mustache related data bindings.
The super easy function that I created coverage for, still shows as not being covered in the report.
So double wammy there.
When I worked at ABC Family I did setup PHPUnit for CodeIgniter, via CIUnit.
But then I took my R&D and handed it off to the unit testers, to actually generate the coverage report.
So my experience, for even backend unit testing, is very limited.
Considering just how rushed that project was, I am not surprised that I was quickly assigned to work on front / back end development, and off of unit test coverage.