So the daily leetcode challenge can be naively solved with a loop.
But the best solution in the python category uses a built in method called bisect_left, so here is a binary search implementation of that method in JavaScript and the solution that followed.
const bisectLeft = (array, x, lo = 0, hi = array.length ) => {
while( lo < hi ){
const mid = lo + ((hi-lo)>>1);
if( array[mid] < x )
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid;
return lo;
function maximumCount(nums: number[]): number {
const firstNonNegative = bisectLeft(nums, 0)
const firstPositive = bisectLeft(nums, 1)
const negativeCount = firstNonNegative;
const positiveCount = nums.length - firstPositive;
return Math.max( negativeCount, positiveCount );