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Letter to my Congressman, Howard L. Berman, Stop SOPA

Hello Congressman,

I am contacting you regarding the new SOPA law that stands to be voted soon. I realize that one bad apple, Julian Assange, has made it absolutely necessary for the government to censor the internet. But lets not forget that Censorship by the government against the will of the people is tyranny.

Thousands of computer engineers, such as myself, will become infuriated. It’s bad enough, the world we live in, total injustice, completely mindless consumerism. Is it really in the government’s best interest to dumb down its population and to conduct all business behind closed doors?

I was an isolationist 10 years ago, standing against Globalization. But Now I have adapted, and am using the global economy and the internet to compete with the best of them. Please, stop SOPA. Its not good for any individual’s rights. Goes against the first amendment. Freedom of press! Stop the injustice.

All our communications are already monitored thanks to the Patriot Act and the Carnivore software pluged into the ISP’s by the FBI. I swear, John Gotti would have been a better President. A nation of laws!? I think not.

The super rich commit murderous acts without any accountability. Yet the common people can’t even so much as download an MP3, or write a blog criticizing them. Please restore sanity.