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Backbone.js with Grails

So I am using Grails once again. Looks like another decision maker has bought into the hype that re-learning how to do what software engineers like myself have been doing for 10+, in what is supposedly advertised as a “quicker and better” way, is the way to go.

Recently I had the opportunity to ask someone who works for a major entertainment website why they chose Zend Framework / PHP instead of going with the more traditional paradigm of using Java for their Enterprise application.

His answer: “To leverage the knowledge base of my existing team.”

I agree with this first and foremost. I am resistant to change.

But I am also sympathetic to the new technologies emerging. Compiler writers need something to do. And I don’t mind being paid to Architect Software using new solutions.

So I will be integrating Grails with Backbone.js to hopefully create a very Rich Internet Application, for my client, in the next few months.