So I’ve been preparing this module to do sftp / ftp / and file system manipulations in groovy.
I’ve got it running as a service in grails, with a page setup for testing.
Its really important that if your testing this class out in windows, you turn off your firewall.
I wasted like 2 hours trying to figure out why I kept getting errors.
Now I would like to turn this functionality into a .jar for standalone execution and injection into other projects.
You will need the ant-jsch.jar and jsch-0.1.33.jar, google guave, and apache commons net.
I some how automagically installed the ant-jsch and jsch jars in a way that doesn’t require import statements.
Credit due to for FTP code. for SCP with ANT trick.
and an article I don’t recall the URL to on google guava for file system manipulation
import groovy.util.AntBuilder import* import class FileService { def boolean fileSystemMove(String from, String to){ try{ Files.move( new File(from), new File(to) ) }catch(Throwable t){ println 'filesystem error' + t; return false } return true; } def boolean fileSystemCopy(String from, String to){ try{ Files.copy( new File(from), new File(to) ) }catch(Throwable t){ return false } return true; } def boolean sftpCopyTo( String host, String user, String passwd, String destination, String fileurl ){ def ant = new AntBuilder(); ant.scp( file: fileurl, todir:"${user}@${host}:${destination}", trust:true, verbose:true, password:passwd) } def boolean sftpCopyFrom( String host, String user, String passwd, String destination, String fileurl ){ def ant = new AntBuilder(); ant.scp( file: "${user}@${host}:${fileurl}" , todir: destination, verbose:true, trust:true, password:passwd) } def boolean ftpCopyFrom( String host, String user, String passwd, String destination, String fileurl ){ try{ def String fileName = fileurl.split('/')[-1]; new FTPClient().with { connect host //enterLocalPassiveMode() type(BINARY_FILE_TYPE) login user, passwd changeWorkingDirectory destination def incomingFile = new File(fileurl) incomingFile.withOutputStream { ostream -> retrieveFile fileName, ostream } disconnect() } true }catch (Throwable t) { false } } def boolean ftpCopyTo( String host, String user, String passwd, String destination, String fileurl ){ try{ def String fileName = fileurl.split('/')[-1]; def FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); ftp.connect host ftp.type(ftp.BINARY_FILE_TYPE) ftp.login user, passwd ftp.changeWorkingDirectory destination def InputStream input = new FileInputStream(fileurl); ftp.storeFile(fileName , input) ftp.disconnect() true } catch ( Throwable t ) { false } } }