It finally happeend. I was predicting this.
See, when companies launch the first version of their app, its just to get a user base,
to penetrate the market. And at times revenue generation is left as an after thought for the next version release.
Fravia, may he Rest In Peace, one of the reasons why I became very adept at internet searching, said “never install app updates”.
And today, I wish to logic that I had backed up and saved the previous apk of google maps.
Cause they injected ads into the new release. Which is the only notable difference!
Ads, the bane of my existence. The reason I pay for premium channels, pirate content, and can recite useless taglines. My brain is crammed with marketing bullshizer.
I thought I was rid of them in part thanks to Chrome’s and Firefox’s ad blocker plugin.
But here it is, staring me in the face, “Bankruptcy Center” advert for my search to the nearnest LA Fitness.
Thanks for nothing Google. Good job on screwing the pooch on this one.
I guess with Apple’s horrible map system, Google can afford to do anything and still keep their user base.
We’ll its either time to dust off that Decompiler, or hunt down a previous apk off the intertubes.