“I release code by the metric fuckton, I work on PyroCMS, Pancake, FuelPHP & CodeIgniter and I occasionally get chased by bears.” – Phil. Him I just like cause he curses as much as I do. Also one of my co-workers told me that Phil accepts donations in the form of drinks from his local pub. Has a button that puts money on his tab! Totally believe this cause there are pictures of Phil downing dark beer on the net.
I’ve been looking at Bonfire, CIUnit, CodeIgniter. Sitting around shooting the breeze with my co-workers. When Phil’s name came up as an open source contributor.
And thanks to another Open Source contributor, I Finally found a good source for integrating CodeIgniter 2.1 with PHPUnit
And I have been able to get the basic model and controller tests to work, so now its just a matter of writing a real world test for the CI project and hoping everything doesn’t fall apart.
Quick note to Phil, stop drinking dark beer, it gives you hangovers.
And Kenji, much love to you my main man from japan.
Its all thanks to you keeping CIUnit up to date and being like, the ONLY active open source developer who is interesting in PHPUnit and Unit testing with CI.
Now a drink for you, I shall buy.