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Innovation through Miscommunication

Funny story right. A friend of mine is working with some interesting people right, and he tells me about this graphic/web designer, who was asked to make a drop down during the daily standup. So my friend is telling me about how he is doing a total facepalm cause this guy is estimating the addition of a drop down as an eight hour task, right. I mean, that was all that was there, find a space on the page, design a niche spot in photoshop maybe, where this drop down will go nicely and contain some hard coded values. I gotta say, I agree with my buddy cause you think drop down you think select tag. Bada bing Bada boom. Heck the wireframe had a freaking select tag based drop down in it. But apparently the designer didn’t quite get it, so it took him a while to even answer back. He took like 5 minutes to make sure what he was supposed to do, looking all confused and the rest of the team totally accepted his estimate. So about 8 hours into his task, it becomes apparent that he is actually making a fly out pane that drops from the top! And my friend tells me its beautiful. With a great design, and nice tween, a great value added to the project.

But who would have thought it, that what someone else might interpret as a miscommunication, is actually innovation!