Dart is supposed to be a new virtual environment that is getting plugged into Chromium.
Which means Dart will work in the Chrome browser.
Its supposed to fix the gaps in JavaScript that don’t allow for development of large apps.
Why doesn’t Adobe just open source the flash player, and we can transmit ActionScript instead of Dart. That way we can keep all the great features and existing apps. Adobe pretty much as submitted to the will of the open source giant’s W3C. And since the web WANTS and NEEDS to be open, Adobe should just open up instead of fall to the way side.
So if you read my bio, you will see that I am much more inclined to the art of programming then the art of graphic design.
I can design a webpage, I can design software. I can’t draw. I can manipulate Photoshop and Illustrator assets. And I recently realized that I cant create mockups, plain html mockups, because I am too busy doing the project the right way, for eventual production launch.
But I was not classically trained in design.
So I end up doing more work in the backend, and sometimes let my front end knowledge slip.
At least that’s the current feeling I am in possession of as I sit here, keying away.
Why? Cause I recently had an interview with Disney Studios in Burbank, didn’t get the job, and the reason was that my CSS was not bleeding edge.
So I do what I usually do when I fail an interview.
Recalling the event, I take notes, and rework my knowledge base to fill the gaps.
Hence this post. More for me, really.
I must remember to implement a project using the lessCSS framework.
Or other CSS frameworks.
I guess, first I should start by evaluating CSS frameworks.
I had to do something similar with JS and PHP as well.
Time to catch up on the CSS.
Zuckerberg calls his end users dumb f*ks.
Google is now a governments wet dream, with enough computing and storage power to hold a record on all of us.
WTF are we supposed to do?
Well guess what, your all F*d.
You keep posting your precious priceless content on the third party sites that track everything you do and make it public record.
And I will simply run my own cloud storage, my own decentralized social network, and my own search engine.
First and foremost I should advise that this article explains how to setup Virtual Domains that are not connected to Linux users. The premiere source of information on the subject, and as some in the IRC channel have called it, “the word of god”, is postfix.org.
The first step is to actually install postfix: sudo apt-get install postfix
Once installed you must do the basic configuration of postfix required to receive and send emails from your domain.
I suggest you look at “basic postfix configuration” to learn how to setup your domain name and relay hosts.
For me it was important to setup the mail relay for my application server, and to have the postfix HELO set as my Mail Exchange DNS / rDNS.
Reverse DNS is important, since hosts like AOL will reject mail from your IP address if your HELO doesn’t match the reverse look up.
That done, I wanted to be able to create users under a variety of domains. The section titled “Postfix virtual MAILBOX example: separate domains, non-UNIX accounts” was the key to this quest. I chose this because I wanted to minimize the attack surface on the box, by limiting the amount of valid users. There is a way to create users without shell access, but I preferred not to create users at all, it was just a better reflection of what the box is for.
The main point of this article, is to highlight the pieces I was missing, having done these two things!
So here is what I needed:
#1 I needed to go ahead and turn the /etc/postfix/vmailbox file and /etc/postfix/virtual file into .db files which postfix needs.
sudo postmap /etc/postfix/vmailbox
sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
This is due to the fact that tailing the /var/log/mail.log file showed this as an issue.
#2 I realized I completely overlooked setting the correct UID and GID for the postfix user!
sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep postfix
Revealed the correct id’s for the virtual_uid_maps, virtual_gid_maps attributes for the /etc/postfix/main.cf file.
#3 I reloaded postfix, but emails were still not being delivered. The virtual domains map to the base path on the file system set in the virtual_mailbox_base. And those directories did not exist yet.
sudo mkdir /var/mail/vhosts
sudo mkdir /var/mail/vhosts/winwinhost.com
sudo chown -r postfix:postfix /var/mail/vhosts
And that was it, those were the missing pieces. Remember to tail the mail log. This will really help you identify what is going wrong with the configuration. If you join the #postfix channel on freenode IRC, please remember to be courteous, use pastebin to expose your logs, and use complete sentences with proper English punctuation and grammar.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps someone out there, in the interwebs.
I am contacting you regarding the new SOPA law that stands to be voted soon. I realize that one bad apple, Julian Assange, has made it absolutely necessary for the government to censor the internet. But lets not forget that Censorship by the government against the will of the people is tyranny.
Thousands of computer engineers, such as myself, will become infuriated. It’s bad enough, the world we live in, total injustice, completely mindless consumerism. Is it really in the government’s best interest to dumb down its population and to conduct all business behind closed doors?
I was an isolationist 10 years ago, standing against Globalization. But Now I have adapted, and am using the global economy and the internet to compete with the best of them. Please, stop SOPA. Its not good for any individual’s rights. Goes against the first amendment. Freedom of press! Stop the injustice.
All our communications are already monitored thanks to the Patriot Act and the Carnivore software pluged into the ISP’s by the FBI. I swear, John Gotti would have been a better President. A nation of laws!? I think not.
The super rich commit murderous acts without any accountability. Yet the common people can’t even so much as download an MP3, or write a blog criticizing them. Please restore sanity.
Take it from me, I got ripped off!
I went through this crazy headache of trying out AWS.
First let me tell you, their jargon alone is so confusing, that I don’t recommend using their systems.
Its like you have to relearn everything.
“Reserved Instances” turned out to be memberships, and the caveats for actually having used this discount pricing memberhship correctly, are ridiculous.
Ultimately I have lost about 500 bucks and three months trying out AWS, and I am very dissatisfied with their support and their customer service.
Like what is up with loosing access to your instances?
I turned around and grabbed two dell servers, T110 and T310, called Time Warner, ordered business class internet, and BOOM!
I’ve got two top of the line boxes running Ubuntu 11, and two old boxes running Ubuntu 10.
I couldn’t be happier.
I just paid over two hundred dollars for a “reserved instance.” Now to my understanding this was supposed to a Virtual Private Server sitting on the elastic compute cloud. Something I could SSH into and something that would expand and contract as needed in terms of CPU, Storage, and Bandwidth.
We’ll paying for it was easy. But I have no idea how to even access what I just paid for!
They provide ZERO support (forums and other useless ways to drain your time) and if you want real help you have to pay for it.
So far I am super dissatisfied with my purchase. Now I have to sit and google “how to launch a reserved instance” and hope I find something useful.
When I worked at Yahoo! we got to use BOSS for the search functionality for that particular property. BOSS stands for “Build Your Own Search Service.” So far it seems to be mainly used by SEO people, and few companies interested in leveraging the data in Yahoo’s/Microsoft’s database. For example as a discovery method for existing content, which they need to apply their own search algorithms to.
I was charged with the task of leveraging an existing web search service for which we could control the index. Basically our own search engine. Now when I was at Yahoo! that’s exactly what BOSS allowed us to do. We had a special interface into which we can add indexes and control weights/metrics on different fields to prioritize search criteria.
Unfortunately I don’t have that luxury anymore, as the public offering of BOSS seems to do Web, News, Images, Ads, and Spelling mostly.
So I am setting up a demo using Lucene. Yet another wonderful open source contribution from the amazing team over at Apache Software Foundation. So I just downloaded it now, and I am about to start playing with it.
Hopefully I will be fine with Yahoo BOSS or Lucene/Solr. I am asking the Yahoo people for access to that interface. I don’t think they will provide it, but Lucene should be just as good. We will just need to maintain some infrastructure for it.
There is also Google Search Appliance, but you gotta get on the phone just to try it and I really don’t want to call Google just to try them out also.