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WordPress Function Reference

I’ve spent some time on their site trying to understand how to retrieve the current category, and you know what, its not really working for me.
You would think that the most popular CMS on the internet would have better documentation on how to make modifications to the system.
Maybe I’m a little picky too, but I expect the code snippets I copy and paste to not cause errors.

Also, remember that pages don’t have categories, like posts and links do. So you can never really create a two level navigation system based on pages, like I was hoping.

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Chuck Liddell

Holy Moly, I sat next to Chuck Liddell today at the Pho bolus, the Vietnamese soup place on Ventura Blvd in Encino. I wanted to give him my business card, but he didn’t look too happy when I recognized him. I was debating it, but he was there with his girlfriend and little girl, and I just didn’t want to make a scene, out of respect for the man’s privacy.

I don’t know how the paparazzi do it, just stick their nose in other peoples business and disturb their day.

At first when he came in, I only noticed his GF from the corner of my eye, and I gotta say, for a millionaire (I’m assuming), they dress pretty down. My first thought was “Who are these skaters.”  They were seated right next to me, and it wasn’t until way later, when I was finished, that I noticed him.

He looks way bigger in person by the way. On TV he looks tall, so you expect that, but the guy is wide too. And his face, he looks tough. Not Scary, just tough.

Trying to describe him reminds of the Wild West analogies, like the True Grit movie coming out.

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Creating a wordpress theme

Finally got a client who wants to pay me to create a wordpress theme.
The price is reduced, cause I haven’t made one before.

I actually didn’t know how long it would take.
But the ‘design surgery’ is going very well.

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Magento ECommerce

This week I had to fix bugs on a Magento site. The site is called First there were issues with Paypal, and second with Simplified Checkout Plugin. Magento can be quite annoying at times.

Posted on Affiliate Program

Made my first sales with the affiliate program. Its pretty cool. I made 6 bucks.I wonder how long before I get to cash out? I Hope its not like commission junction, they stole my earnings away due to low volume rules. Thats why I am going to change everything to the google affiliate network.

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Today I helped out a friend of mine with a new hosting account and wordpress site.

Showed them how to add articles, pages, make modifications, the works.

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Setup a prestashop shopping cart for a client of mine. Still working on the design. Got a chance to look at, and Yoox is more european traffic base, so I am not surprised that I haven’t heard of it. The boyfriend of the client is in the sunglasses business. So the name StonFly reminds a lot of the sunglasses BlackFlys.

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Was working on a codeigniter CMS system for a flash game this friday. CodeIgniter is very easy to use. I saw it has a Debugger script, or something of that sort was in the projects files. It was a cool contract gig, but I have other opportunities to review first, before accepting.

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Goodbye – Salaried Work – Hello Juicy Contracts

I’m free from the bonds of a certain someone. A manager who demanded that I do unpaid overtime. Never did I agree to such a thing. And there were a lot of other things that were wrong with this company. Still not naming names yet. Anyway, best thing to ever happen to me, the response from potential employers is amazing.