I bought an iPad because I didn’t have an iPhone.
If you’ve checked craigslist lately, you’ve seen that everyone wants an iPhone app.So I got an iPad for development purposes and also evaluation.
First I want to start with the positives: Its a cool looking status symbol.
Okay now on to the negatives:
- Complete lack of multitasking. They are working on this.
- No support for Flash in the future.
- No forseable support for tethering in the future, on the iPhone for sure, and that should stay firm for iPad
- Sencha apps made for iPad lock up my G1.
- No Track ball/ inaccurate and sticky skin
- No Stylus
- No Pressure detection – so far
- Nazi control of the App Store.
- Everything is Completely proprietary, no open source OS. Even though they yap about not supporting Flash cause its not open, they themselves do the same thing. But they require that anything their product consumes works on open standards. Hypocrites?
- VGA adapter doesn’t really show everything, just videos?
- Shameless self promotion tagging each email sent from their devices.
- I’ll think of more stuff later.
Quite honestly, the prospect of having a netbook, a minuturized laptop, is much more appealing. I have a mac book pro from my job, and I like it and all, but I think the hardware is over priced for a professional like me.
Its really designed for people who are careless with their hardware and have no clue what they are doing. I find it even offensive that they have succeeded with that marketing model in the past, and that they are being so welcomed and embraced by the power users they alienated in the first place.
I have not forgotten, and I will not forgive, being insulted by Apple from the 90’s on.
So do yourself a favor, and if you want an iPad, DONT BUY IT, get a dell or hp netbook instead. Even buying an iPad is a sucky process, with components arriving at random times. I got the stand first with the VGA adapter, then a week after that the iPad, and two weeks later, the case.