Why in the heck would anyone choose the java platform to build on, idfk.
The compilation process, and project build times, take all the fun out of being a web developer.
Grails goes a long way to breach that gap, from code monkey, to creative genius, but f*me bro, its still boring as heck.
Cleaning, and re-running the application every time I make a change to a domain class, which is quite often on this Agile team that I am on, is super tedious.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, it’s nothing like a 6 to 9 minute build that I was experiencing at NBCU, getting eonline.com to work on my system.
But its still irritating, when the sun is shining outside, on a Friday, during summer, and I have to sit in an agile dungeon, and wait for Grails to compile.
PHP, I miss you!