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SVN Time Lapse View

This software is,,  a total fail.
At least for me, I couldn’t get it to work at all!

I am trying to find the difference between revisions of a file. And remembering Perforce’s time lapse view, I quickly tried SVN’s revision graph feature, hoping it would be similar. No dice.

I quickly googled svn time lapse view, and surprising found a software right away.
But following the directions, and trying to load file to review, I ran across nothing but error prompts.

Please guys at CollabNet / TurtoiseSVN, lets roll this feature into SVN already! How can anyone survive without it. I don’t know. Just incredibly disappointing.


Update, I have found where to put the revision number with the diff in turtoiseSVN, and other ways to get the comparison’s I need of different file revisions.