I guess you can’t compare a platform like Grails with PHP. But if your writing a “large scale application” or what some might call, Enterprise, then is it necessary to have support for simple web hosts. I don’t see how being able to deploy everywhere is something that an Enterprise application has to even be concerned with. Truly being bored with PHP might mean that you take a look at a newer language, one that eliminates the need for awkwardly typed characters and simplifies development. Laravel actually reminds very much so of Grails. Groovy is awesome. Its leap over Ruby, and lands on the JVM. And lets not mention Ruby as an alternative to PHP, because that language makes a mockery of what beautiful code should look like. Basically I think we should not say ‘Laravel is better than CI’ but that PHP is not going into the right direction at all. Backslashes for namespacing, really?
- List of Open Source C++ Games
- 3174. Clear Digits
- in order traversal
- Find the Number of Distinct Colors Among the Balls
- Tuple with Same Product
- 1790. Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal
- Removing the Nth Node from a list.
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- Profound need for Self Correcting Minds
- 2270. Number of Ways to Split Array
- Subarrays with sum K
- 1678. Goal Parser Interpretation
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