This is great!
Finally the JVM has been leveraged for over 200 other languages. Scala is one of the more popular ones. Lots of startups talking about it.
But I gotta say, now that I know Grails, and even got paid to learn it, I might just keep on using it.
Yes, sure, there are a lot of things wrong with it, and I can still make a project in PHP faster, but I finally passed that inflection point, where it would be worth while using.
Why in the heck would anyone choose the java platform to build on, idfk.
The compilation process, and project build times, take all the fun out of being a web developer.
Grails goes a long way to breach that gap, from code monkey, to creative genius, but f*me bro, its still boring as heck.
Cleaning, and re-running the application every time I make a change to a domain class, which is quite often on this Agile team that I am on, is super tedious.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, it’s nothing like a 6 to 9 minute build that I was experiencing at NBCU, getting to work on my system.
But its still irritating, when the sun is shining outside, on a Friday, during summer, and I have to sit in an agile dungeon, and wait for Grails to compile.
Hi Guys, I have been trying to integrate multiple datasources with grails.
I get a strange error:
nested exception is org.hibernate.cache.NoCachingEnabledException: Second-level cache is not enabled for usage [hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache | hibernate.cache.use_query_cache] ->> 334 | innerRun in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync
This new feature is awesome.
It allows me to watch in real time as people land on my websites, and how they navigate.
Soon I predict you will be able to isolate individual users, and watch their use case stories.
Saw an interesting JavaScript pre-processor written by Douglas Crockford.
So I naturally began to research this man, and why anyone should be interested in how he goes about developing his applications.
Well it turns out he is a senior developer working for Yahoo on YUI library.
Here is a good introduction to who he is and what he does:
The lecture about ancient languages reminds me of a great book called “Snow Crash”.
When I worked on we had a very sophisticated build script that would take care of the compression and optimization of CSS and JavaScript. Primarily, we relied on google closure compiler for the the JavaScript optimization and a different method for merging and minifying the CSS. Actually not completely sure what the CSS process entailed, since I came in near the end of the project, I actually had to produce results without knowing the system in and out. No complaints here, really, It’s always a pleasure working on a site that is in production and optimized for millions of page views.
I am quite curious as to how DMO resolved the issue of being stateless and still having an authentication system. Since we are cooking something up right now with Grails, at Disney Advanced Technology, and the back end guys have to integrate spring security and yet keep the app stateless.
Ultimately you are never REALLY stateless. And something like a memcache tier can house the states. What the main issue there is scalability across a load balanced system.
Anyway, what I wanted to mention was that for those of you who are young, and are not relearning a new way to do an old trick, and don’t mind that google will probably replace all this JavaScript stuff wit Dart very soon anyway, you should really take a look at using require.js for CSS optimization during your build process.
So I am using Grails once again. Looks like another decision maker has bought into the hype that re-learning how to do what software engineers like myself have been doing for 10+, in what is supposedly advertised as a “quicker and better” way, is the way to go.
Recently I had the opportunity to ask someone who works for a major entertainment website why they chose Zend Framework / PHP instead of going with the more traditional paradigm of using Java for their Enterprise application.
His answer: “To leverage the knowledge base of my existing team.”
I agree with this first and foremost. I am resistant to change.
But I am also sympathetic to the new technologies emerging. Compiler writers need something to do. And I don’t mind being paid to Architect Software using new solutions.
So I will be integrating Grails with Backbone.js to hopefully create a very Rich Internet Application, for my client, in the next few months.
So I am setting up,, and SSL certificates.
I purchased the SSL certificates from Godaddy.
Signing into my account, and clicking “launch” on the SSL certificate listed in the SSL management page, I see that the first step I need to do is generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
They have a nifty guide on how to generate a Certificate Signing Request for Apache 2.x
First step is to go ahead and log in to your server’s terminal (SSH).
Then to enter the following command:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout yourdomain.key -out yourdomain.csr
Replace yourdomain with the domain name you’re securing, and answer the prompts as they come up. Avoid abbreviations for States and Cities.
Open the file and paste the full CSR into the SSL enrollment form in your account.
You will then get an email from Godaddy when your certificate is ready.
Download the file, and follow the last bit of their installation instructions:
Copy your SSL certificate file and the certificate bundle file to your Apache server. You should already have a key file on the server from when you generated your certificate request.
Edit your Apache configuration to reference these files. The exact configuration file you will edit will depend on your version of Apache, your OS platform, and/or the method used to install Apache. In Apache 1.3, you will most likely edit the main httpd.conf file. In Apache 2.x, you will most likely edit the ssl.conf file.
Locate the following directives. If one or more of them are currently commented out, uncomment them by removing the ‘#’ character from the beginning of the line. Set the values of these directives to the absolute path and filename of the appropriate file:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)
So I went through the GoDaddy steps and saw that #2, was already done.
Matched step three instruction. And then resolved the ssl_error_rx_record_too_long problem by adding another <VirtualHost> entry to listen on port 443.
Best practice to isolate the domain on a dedicated IP.
So I am preparing for a contracting gig that’s coming up.
I will be doing R&D and helping create a web app for an internal project at a large corporation.
Cappuccino came to mind, because it was mentioned during the phone screen, by the hiring person.
So I am playing around with this again, for the first time since 2010.
And I see that the developers are so fixated on working on Mac’s and OSX that the script they distribute on their site won’t even work on other flavors of linux, like my Ubuntu 11.10 server system.
Seems like they are working themselves into a corner. Whats the point of making something open source, if you must have a Mac in order to develop on it.